The ability of top managers and professionals to direct and manage Innovation in their companies is the focus of the 12th R&D-Product Development Innovation Summit, Tue/Wed/Thur April 7-9, 2015 in metro Boston.
The Innovation Summit is a fact and data driven three-day seminar and workshop focused on the select areas of innovation and intellectual property that are tangible and actionable by corporations and their management team.
Summit Description
Our quantitative approach to innovation in R&D, Product Development, and Product Commercialization emphasizes benchmarking both current performance and leading trends. We keep focused on issues that are the responsibility of top professionals, the decisions they have to make, and the monetary implications of these decisions.
Read: Measuring Product Development Vitality
The Summit opens with a focus on innovation strategies and business models that are known to produce results, along with the things that CEOs and CXOs can do to foster an innovative environment and culture. Next, we examine a series of tools that companies currently use and identify how changes in management communications can eke more innovation out of existing practices. We then turn to examine a selection of about sixty new tools (out of three hundred we are aware of) that have become available this past decade; and explain the costs, benefits, and implementation time to productive results.
In the middle of the Summit, we familiarize participants with a handful of the most powerful tools that currently exist. Our guest speakers are subject matter experts in each of these techniques, and associated software. A discussion on best IP practices, dealing with the PTO, and the complex subject of IP valuation follows.
Heading into the home stretch, the Summit shifts from internal organic innovation to external open and outsourced innovation. While industry results are still expectedly mixed, it is important for all leaders to have a lay of the land today and a feel for what likely will transpire in the years ahead. We then rise in our thinking to look across all R&D-Product Development innovation as a whole, to focus exclusively on measures and metrics for innovation and its business results. As the Summit wraps up, we discuss techniques for recognizing and rewarding innovation; which is then followed by a series of “best book” reviews across the critical subjects of innovation.
The 8 Innovation Modules
The content of the Summit is organized into eight modules.
1. Best Practice Innovation Processes
2. Corporate-Level & Tactical-Level Innovation Drivers
3. Innovation Enablers & Tools: 5 Groups & 50 Items
4. Three Key Innovation Tools & Techniques
5. Semantic Technologies & Knowledge-Enabled Innovation
6. Best Practice IP Valuation, Management, & Communication
7. Open & Outsourced Innovation Frameworks
8. Innovation Metrics, Rewards, & Reading
The Summit AT a GLANCE describes the flow over the three days.
Who Should Come
The subject matter of the Summit is geared to top-level managerial and technical executives that manage entire organizations, departments, and budgets; and programs, teams, and budgets. Numerous companies have brought groups of officers ranging from three to ten in size in their quest to develop an improved and systematic ability to innovate across their employee base.
Directors and leaders of market, technology, product, and IP creation activities will gain a better understanding of the leadership techniques that work, along with the tools and technologies available today that give the best chance to systematically embed innovation in company culture and projects. One size does not fit all. The techniques that might drive a “innovator strategy” product line are different than those for a “balanced portfolio strategy” product line.
We always offer significant discounts to companies that bring Company Teams of three or more people, $254 per person.
Reserve your place today – space is limited. Visit us online to Register.
Summit Faculty
This Summit will be led by Bradford L. Goldense, an internationally recognized expert on R&D, product development, innovation, and metrics. He will be accompanied by Adam J. Bulakowski, an international authority on intellectual property management and valuation who is involved in many of the large deals you read about. Richard Langevin, co-founder of the Altshuller Institute, who translated much of the original work on TRIZ, will share his expertise on perhaps the world’s single most powerful innovation tool. Col. John R. [Dick] Power Ret., an expert in program management who launched the world’s largest deployed battlefield communication system, will instruct several topics and lead our group exercises. Dr. Hans Ludi, a subject matter expert in diagnostics and the life sciences, will co-facilitate group sessions and teach Lead User identification. Finally, we are working to replace one of the world’s experts on semantic technology and the next generation internet. Our colleague sold the rights to his company; and we are in discussions with the new owner at this time. Together, our faculty has been around the block a couple of times across major industries on several continents.
For more information about Goldense Group, Inc. [GGI], a twenty-nine year old internationally recognized company in the areas of product development and measurement, go to our GGI Home Page, or give us a call at 781-444-5400.
Our location is convenient from either Boston-Logan or Providence-Green airport. Mention GGI’s Summit when you call the hotel. This best-in-class Sheraton Conference Facility in Norwood, Massachusetts is completely wi-fi, has all amenities, a great walking trail, and boasts a five star chef and great eating. For more information about the conference hotel, alternative accommodations, transportation, restaurants, and other information, please visit the I’m Already Registered web site.