Acromag expands its line of BusWorks‚® Ethernet I/O modules for distributed I/O and SCADA with new 993EN and 994EN models providing a 16-channel 16-bit A/D interface for single-ended analog voltage or current input signals. The space-saving inch-wide units make it very easy to retrofit older control systems for Ethernet Modbus TCP/IP networking and greatly reduce the cost per channel in new installations. Users can select industrial-grade or commercial versions (starting under $500) for significant savings in applications that do not need the extra performance and safety approvals. Industrial-grade units add superior accuracy, a signal integrator/totalizer function, -40 to 70‚°C capability, and are designed to meet UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 ABCD (Zone 2) requirements.
Two models, each with 16 single-ended analog inputs, support a variety of I/O ranges. The 993EN accepts DC current with ‚±20mA, 0-20mA or 4-20mA input ranges. 994EN models accept ‚±5V or ‚±10V DC. Fast scanning updates all 16 channels in just 8mS. Dual-format data registers support 16-bit integer and 32-bit floating point formats. Users can read raw channel data based on 16-bit signed integer or 32-bit scaling registers, configurable on a per-channel basis, to minimize CPU or HMI software processing time. Surge protection and 3-way 1500V isolation between I/O, power, and network circuits increase reliability.
A sample averaging function is also configurable. Averaging improves performance in noisy or fluctuating environments and increases the performance of single-ended inputs. On industrial-grade units, an integration function can totalize inputs with non-volatile counter registers on all channels. Totalizing is ideal for flow applications, providing the ability to accurately measure actual volumetric usage on liquid, gas, electricity, and fuel flows. Users can read instantaneous flow signals and volume data on each channel. Information is stored to non-volatile memory which is safe in the event of a power loss. Common applications involve monitoring temperature, pressure, flow, and level instruments in process control, automation, remote data acquisition, online monitoring, and supervisory management systems.
::Design World::
Filed Under: Ethernet — cables • hubs • switches, I/O modules, CONNECTIVITY • fieldbuses • networks • gateways, Breakers + surge protection
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