The new M-810 miniature Hexapod combines all advantages of proven parallel-kinematic systems in the smallest of packages. With a diameter of only 10 cm and a
height of 11.8 cm, the M-810 offers travel ranges of up to 40 mm in the XY plane and 13 mm in the Z-direction. Special high-resolution magnetic encoders and high-performance brushless motors contribute to the excellent actuator resolution of <100 nm.
Despite of its small size, the hexapod can reliably position loads of up to 5 kg at velocities of 10 mm/s. The limited space necessitated the usage of new technologies for encoders, motors and limit switches. Nevertheless, control is 100% compatible to previous standard PI Hexapods. As with other parallel-kinematics
positioners from PI, the six high-resolution actuators are connected directly to a single moving platform. The user is able to define the center of rotation (pivot point) independent of platform motion with a simple software command. In contrast to
conventional, stacked, multi-axis systems, there is no accumulation of guiding and lever-arm errors.
::Design World::
Filed Under: Motion control • motor controls
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