They may be called crash test dummies, anthropomorphic test devices (ATD) or test mannequins, but now they all have a sensor designed for biomechanics testing to improve safety on everything from cars and airplane seats to amusement rides and parachutes.
The DTS 6DX PRO is a small, high-shock 6 degrees-of-freedom sensor package. Designed for applications measuring high rates of shock and angular velocity, sensor packages three accelerometers (2000 or 20000 g) and three angular rate sensors (18000 or 50000 deg/sec) in a compact, rugged enclosure that is less than 3/4 in.3 (19 x 19 x 14.5 mm). Focused on human injury assessment testing, the 6DX PRO weighs 12 grams, is shock rated to 20000 g and it is sealed, making it suitable for cadaveric work.
The sensor has helped collect data from manikins in jetliner and helicopter crash tests, from a stunt high diver plunging over 10 meters into only 300 mm of water, from rodeo riders, aerobatic pilots, cadavers and many more unique, human injury related applications.
The 6DX PRO is calibrated and meets NHTSA, FAA, ISO 6487 and SAE J211 practices.
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