With its automation toolkit ctrlX AUTOMATION and the principle of the “smartphone for the world of industrial automation,” Bosch Rexroth signaled a paradigm shift in the market back in 2020. In 2021, the leap from an open platform to an industrial partner network was achieved with ctrlX World. Now, Bosch Rexroth is taking the next step in freedom and openness. In the past, the real-time-capable, Linux-based operating system was used exclusively on the control system ctrlX CORE. However, it is now available as a separate solution for industrial environments. ctrlX OS can be used on all levels — from the field level to the cloud, and on a range of different hardware.
“The trend in automation is increasingly moving towards distributed software and data-based automation solutions — from the field level and edge devices to the cloud. At the same time, information is being pooled as far as possible. The same standards apply to the entire network in terms of applicable software, security, tools, and communication interfaces,” said Steffen Winkler, Vice President Sales, Business Unit Automation & Electrification Solutions at Bosch Rexroth.
ctrlX AUTOMATION is geared to these requirements. The fully open system comprising hardware and software as well as the ctrlX World boasts all of the components for complete automation solutions.
The next level of freedom in automation
Bosch Rexroth is taking the next development step and offering ctrlX OS, a Linux-based operating system designed for real-time use in industrial environments. ctrlX OS is hardware-independent and seamlessly connects even more automation components to the entire ctrlX AUTOMATION portfolio, including partner solutions from ctrlX World. Software-based functions can be developed, installed, updated, and operated even more easily and flexibly across all levels of the automation topology. Bosch Rexroth thus caters to the needs of software-driven factories and enables modern software practices such as virtual testing and DevOps in automation. Hardware independence also makes it possible to operate a virtual control system on hypervisor platforms, in the data center, on edge servers, or in the cloud.
The operating system supports app technology, web-based engineering, secure user management, and the high-performance exchanging of data via the ctrlX Data Layer. All devices in the network are connected efficiently via this system. A standardized toolchain and a software development kit (SDK) are available for all devices. The ctrlX Device Portal allows effective device management anywhere in the world. This is a digital service for providing new software functions, management, and maintenance of device settings or remote maintenance.
ctrlX OS means automation on all levels. As a result, IT and OT applications can easily be merged for Industry 4.0 purposes. ctrlX OS provides access to all apps from the ctrlX Store and the ctrlX AUTOMATION Community. Users can also run their own software on any hardware that is suitable for the application. And all of this takes place on an extremely secure level where a hardened software stack ensures a high degree of cybersecurity.
Bosch Rexroth