JVL Industri Elektronik A/S, a Danish company, now represented in Ohio, USA, announces a new expansion, CANopen, module for their MAC, Integrated AC Servo motors. The CAN module offers control and setup, logic I/O for high speed start/stop, CANbus/CANopen DS 301 and CANopen DSP 402 and DeviceNet under development.
The module can be delivered with integrated cable with watertight connections for use in harsh environments or be delivered with M12 connectors. The modular built-up of the JVL Integrated MAC motors makes them extremely versatile for very many applications.
The MAC motor is an AC servo motor and controller combined in a single unit, offering previously unseen low pricing for the OEM market. Integrating electronics in a motor has been achieved previously, but never in such a compact unit with true AC servo performance. In the MAC motor, the servo motor, hall sensors, encoder and control circuitry have been especially designed by JVL to provide a self-contained, integrated unit in which the driver and controller are mounted behind the motor in a sealed housing.
System intelligence is thereby decentralized by off-loading control functions to the device level. This makes the MAC motor well suited for distributed control architectures which are prevalent in factory automation processes today.
The MAC motor is available in 5 models: 50, 95 ,140W and 400 and 750W. Motor parameters are set-up via an RS232 port using Windows software MacTalk.
::Design World::
Filed Under: Wireless • 5G and more, Motion control • motor controls, Motors • servo
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