Cardinal Components (Wayne, NJ) has introduced a new board-level product line for the Internet of Things (IOT) called Electro-Set. Cardinal’s interface Electro-Set boards provide a standard unified 6 Pin connector including I2C interconnect, allowing for rapid proof of concept design and prototyping. Cardinal Electro-Set boards are platform agnostic and can interface with a range of processor/development boards on the market, so that, with a Cardinal interface shield, design engineers or hobbyists can use all of Cardinal’s boards on their preferred development platform. Features include:
- An Arduino UNO interface board.
- A MicroChip PIC processor board with USB.
- Direct plug-in via a unified 6 Pin connector to many sensors and functional building blocks and displays.
- USB and Bluetooth wireless connectivity.
VIEW: Engineering Live: How to Secure the Internet of Things
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Filed Under: Rapid prototyping