CTIA President and CEO Steve Largent testified yesterday on the looming U.S. spectrum crisis, the Radio Spectrum Inventory Act (H.R. 3125), and the Spectrum Relocation Improvement Act (H.R. 3019) before the House Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet.
After testifying, Largent released a statement that reiterated the wireless association’s position. In the statement, Largent noted that while the wireless industry is among the most efficient in its use of spectrum, it is in danger of seeing consumer demand outpacing capacity.
Largent said that while bandwidth-heavy recreational apps get most of the attention, the wireless industry is also developing and implementing everything from “life-saving mHealth apps” to environmentally-friendly smart grid technology.
“With more than 276 million subscribers in the U.S., it is vital for our industry to secure at least 800 MHz of additional spectrum within the next six years. Spectrum is our industry’s backbone and it is what allows us to continue to innovate and create new apps, products and services. Without this additional spectrum, our industry will cease to provide U.S. consumers with the most innovative and most competitive wireless offerings in the world,” Largent said in the statement.
House Resolution 3125, the Radio Spectrum Inventory Act, would allow for a complete inventory of spectrum and how it is being used in the United States, as well as spectrum that is available for allocation in the future.
“We need to pass H.R. 3125 so we can have a properly constructed inventory to see what spectrum is available. Once the bill is passed, policymakers need to be prepared to reallocate spectrum identified by the inventory as un- or under-utilized for advanced wireless services,” Largent argued, adding the H.R. 3125 would “reduce the risks for auction participants by increasing the amount and quality of information available to bidders and federal agencies before an auction of federally-encumbered spectrum.”
Filed Under: Industry regulations + certifications