Paper catalogs are great for jotting notes in the margins but they take up a lot of space. For quick reference and portability pdfs are the way to go. DieQua now has their entire catalog library of gearboxes, speed reducers, and gear motors on a single flash drive.
While paper catalogs are still available, supplying a complete collection was an expensive proposition. Although we gladly still provide them, many of our customers prefer the easy storage of pdf catalogs. This allows them to reduce the space needed to file some of the lesser used product brochures and catalogs while still having the technical data at their fingertips when an application arose. And with the catalogs segregated by product group, identifying the proper product among many options minimized search time.
Also included on the flash drive are the maintenance manuals for all the products. Installation hints, lubrication requirements, and other helpful information is now close at hand.
As an added feature, for each product category we’ve added links back to our web site to reach the general specification pages and the drawing download pages. The value here is it allows us to keep the features, benefits, and drawing data constantly updated without the need to replace the flash drive. While only the catalogs and maintenance manuals reside on the drive itself and can be used off-line, the other links aid usability when on-line. With a version code added for each drive copied, you’ll always know how old the data is and when it may be time to request an updated copy.
To get your own DieQua Digital Resource Library flash drive just fill out the registration form and we’ll get one on the way to you. If you have any questions on how to use it give us a call. Although it’s an easy to use tool, we’ll be happy to help you navigate through the information included.
Click here to Request USB Flash Drive
::Design World::
Filed Under: Gears • gearheads • speed reducers, Motion control • motor controls
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