Deer Park, NY – NUTEC introduces a universal multi-function motion platform with innovative design.
This complete motion subsystem offers an X-Y table function and a second linear-rotary motion on a common base axis with a common digital servo control system. In this unique architecture all axes can be controlled in simultaneous motion or independently, what ever the application requires. Typically it shuttles from rotary-linear mode to an X-Y mode at the users command to perform required operations. It can thus position workpieces and/or tooling in any combination to suit the application. Additional axes within a Cartesian coordinate system can be added for supplemental capabilities.
The mechanical translators are designed with direct drive servo motors, non-contacting encoders and most modern guide technology. The precision level is matched to the application and includes accuracies to less than 1000 nanometer with LIBEC*
–travel ranges from 125-2000mm
–digital servo control system with G-Code, standard GUI and customization
–discrete motion increments to 250 nanometers
–system customization to meet application requirements
–Al Aly or granite structures
Typical applications include laser machines, optical metrology, super precise femto laser work, semiconductor manufacturing, PV solar work, automated manufacturing operations.
::Design World::
Filed Under: LINEAR MOTION, Motion control • motor controls
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