Tianma America, Inc. announced a wide-format 11.3-inch LCD (888 x 408) with a narrow frame. The product not only has a distinctive module size of 271.8 mm width x 133.0 mm height (aspect ratio of 37:17) but also adopts a narrow frame design with the narrowest side length being 2.3 mm. These dimensions enable the alignment of multiple displays side-by-side for stylish design in gaming applications and other “footprint sensitive” applications. The module was developed by Tianma Japan, Ltd., a Tianma Group company.
Enhanced color reproduction.
The product utilizes high color rendering LEDs in the backlight assembly to guarantee wide color reproduction, achieving enhanced color reproduction of 88% of NTSC color space. This feature delivers great performance in applications that require more vivid and realistic images such as gaming.
Clockless Link™ interface.
The product uses Clockless Link™ (a proprietary interface standard developed by ROHM Co., Ltd.) for its interface. Clockless Link is a differential serial interface based on Clock Data Recovery, which can largely reduce the number of signal lines and connector pins. This helps to reduce cost and supports a more compact design in applications equipped with this module.
Luminance adjustable with both hardware and software.
The luminance of the display can be adjusted to four levels with a slide switch. In addition, the backlight luminance can be adjusted from 15% to 100% through software settings, enabling images to be displayed at a more optimal brightness level, depending upon the needs of the various operating environments and applications.
The product incorporates Tianma Japan’s proprietary SFT (Super Fine TFT) wide viewing angle technology. This technology provides ultra-wide viewing angles of 176 degrees horizontally and vertically and reduces color shift that may occur with changes in the viewing angle, ensuring clear images without visual stress in various operating environments.
Filed Under: M2M (machine to machine)