A direct editing function lets you edit properties such as device tags
and function texts directly where they are displayed in the wiring diagrams
without having to call up a device dialog box. Changes made using the in-place
editing feature are automatically updated online wherever the same information
is referenced in the project.
Modifications can also be executed in the overall project reports. For
example, you have the flexibility to modify the part number of a limit switch
directly on the bill of materials or edit terminal numbers right on the
terminal diagram. The software will update the new information in real time.
The new version also features a revamped PLC/bus topology for centrally
processing the automation components of a project in a simple and organized
fashion. It also allows for consistent electrical project data exchange with
PLC programming software products.
For machine builders who manufacture different versions of the same
equipment, the Project Options module lets you automatically generate
documentation for different product variants in less time than it would take to
redesign or modify them. You first define the electrical schematics for
different machine configurations (product variants). Then, to design a new
machine or modify an existing one, you select the option(s) for that product
with a few mouse clicks in a central dialog box, and the system automatically
displays (or removes) the associated schematic sections and corresponding data
throughout the entire project. Project Options module is available as an add-on
to the EPLAN Electric P8 Professional software.
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