The recently concluded Consumer Electronics Show played host to interesting technology, not all of which made it into the headlines. Here are a few of the developments we found that incorporated novel ideas that engineers can appreciate.
A solar-powered quadrotor
The Quadcopter from Qsolar in Canada is a prototype that currently can extend the life of its batteries by about 30% using power from onboard solar cells. The company spokesperson with whom we chatted says the ultimate goal is to field a quadrotor that gets all its power from the sun. The aerial platform also serves as a showcase for the firm’s special super-thin (less than 5 mm thick) crystalline solar panels which can bend to a 30° angle and withstand stresses that can build up at temperature extremes.
Filed Under: CONNECTIVITY • fieldbuses • networks • gateways, ELECTRONICS • ELECTRICAL, Vision • machine vision • cameras + lenses • frame grabbers • optical filters • scanners
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