HydraForce's new i-Design Hydraulic System Design Software allows you to create custom integrated manifolds from the very beginning design stages all the way through pricing and quoting to your customers.
When you begin a new project, you will start on the System Design page where you can quickly and easily create your circuit using drag-and-drop technology. Or you may choose to start on the Project Parameters page where i-Design allows you to select specific technical parameters as default values that will carry throughout all component selections. After designing the circuit, you can move on to the Manifold Specification page where you will specify where to locate valves, ports and mounting holes, and define the maximum envelope dimensions. There is also a Parts List for quick review of the bill of material anytime throughout the design process.
When you finish your design and layout, the software has a built-in design check that will provide a variety of detailed warnings, such as incomplete product specifications, errors in component size, pressure or flow setting, etc.
When you’re ready to see the final draft of your project, you will generate a report. The report contains information from all parts of the project; customer and distributor information, technical parameters, the circuit, the manifold layout, the bill of material, warnings, and revision history.
If you are an approved i-Design user, you can contact the HydraForce i-Design Help Desk to obtain a copy of the price book. When the price book is added to the software, you will see the price of each component build as you configure the valve. Then when the report is generated, you will be given the complete assembly list price, including the manifold and all components.* This makes it easy to do “what if” variations for cost evaluation.
Other Features and Benefits:
Improve Design Time — If you already work with HydraForce for your manifold and integrated circuit needs, using i-Design will facilitate collaboration with our design team, hastening prototype deliveries.
Multiple Project Management — You can work on several projects at one time, and you can cut and paste from existing projects to speed development time.
Revision History — You will have the ability to track changes as you pass your projects back and forth between others in your organization, and with HydraForce Sales and Engineering.
Valve Selection Guide — If you know what valve you need, but you’re not sure of the size, you will be able to view the flow and pressure of the other size valves in the same family and make a different selection if necessary.
HydraForce Product — The complete HydraForce product catalog is included in the software library.
Non-HydraForce Product — Additional products that are commonly used in our integrated circuits have been added to the library, such as counterbalance valves and D03/D05 valves.
Custom Components — You can create custom components with the correct port connections. Add the new symbol by inserting an image (JPEG, Gif, or Bitmap) or by using the simple drawing tools.
Accessories — All manifold accessories such as orifice discs/plugs, lock down kits, and MR handle kits are included in the library and can be selected and configured the same as valves and will be included in the bill of material and pricing.*
Other Accessories — Pumps, cylinders, flow and pressure gauges, and other non-HydraForce components have been included to round out your complete system design. As you configure the non-HydraForce components, you can choose to include these components in the bill of material, or have them displayed only on the circuit diagram. For example, if you’re working on a quote for your customer and you’re a distributor who provides complete systems, not only would you elect to show the pump and accumulator on the report, but you can also input a price which will be added to the total list price.*
Search — A search function will allow you to search for a valve by its model code.
PDF Catalog — Each symbol is linked to its PDF catalog page.
Export to DXF — The circuit can be exported to DXF which can then be imported into many CAD software packages for faster turnaround of designs. (No need to re-draw circuits in Engineering anymore!)
HTML — The report is generated in an HTML format, where if needed, the data can be dropped into Microsoft Windows-based software, such as Word or Excel.
Export to Automation Studio™ — i-Design circuits can be exported to Automation Studio™ for hydraulic simulation and “virtual prototyping.” **
::Design World::
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