FDM TEAM Program is Optional Feature of new Insight version 6.0.
(MINNEAPOLIS) – Stratasys has introduced Insight(tm) v. 6.0 – an enhanced version of its pre-processing software. Insight 6.0 contains two key new production scheduling programs for direct digital manufacturing.
The production scheduling programs are FDM TEAM(tm) – a paid option, and FDM Control Center,(tm) which comes standard with Insight. Both applications combine multiple machine job queues into a single, easy-to-use interface. TEAM lets users with several or many machines optimize job scheduling for direct digital manufacturing.
With the prior version of Insight, separate interfaces are needed to view job queues for each machine running. With TEAM, all job queues appear on one screen in a Gantt chart format. TEAM has an enhanced interface that is intuitive and easy-to-operate, allowing users to drag and drop jobs for machine load balancing. In addition, blackout (non-working) times can be displayed to show real capacity. This feature omits new-job start times that couldn’t realistically occur because an operator isn’t available to remove a part and start a new job when the production floor is closed. This lets users optimize scheduling to ensure all machines are running at full capacity.
“Combining many job queues into a single view really opens the door to efficiently manage part production with our direct digital manufacturing systems,” says FDM product manager Patrick Robb. “Every aspect of job scheduling and production is simplified, letting manufacturers streamline operations for optimal production.”
In addition to the TEAM option, Insight 6.0 offers a number of updates and enhancements and a new interface called Control Center. Control Center combines the previous capabilities of the “Status” and “Admin” programs into a single application. Control Center lets users add, delete, or change the priority of jobs in a system queue. The interface reports system status, such as part description, total build time, estimated time left, and amount of material required, among other things. In addition, users can view (but not modify) multiple system queues in a Gantt format.
Insight 6.0 will work with all current Stratasys FDM systems and is available as a free update for all existing FDM Maxum, FDM Titan, FDM Vantage, FDM 200mc, and ProdigyPlus customers on a valid warranty or maintenance contract. Current versions of Insight come standard with new FDM system purchase, but TEAM will remain a paid option to Insight. The new FDM 400mc includes Insight 6.0.
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