Motion Industry uses an energy efficient conveyor system with low-friction components. Designed by a Montreal-based OEM, the flat-top conveyors use System Plast chain and Browning gear drives from Power Transmission Solutions, a division of Emerson Industrial Automation. The ultra-low-friction conveyor has delivered a range of advantages, including low noise, compactness and low energy use.
The conveyor is quieter than a roller conveyor, vastly improving the work environment. The totes are more secure on the chain than on rollers, much less likely to drift. The chain will actually realign totes slightly, and it easily transports them 175 ft to the first turn.
In the facility, the company looked for ways to reduce noise, eliminate maintenance and improve safety. The flat-top System Plast conveyor is ideal for a compact system layout, using XPG chain and Nolu S wear strips. This combination has a coefficient of friction of just 0.16, reducing energy consumption about 25% compared to standard acetal chain and UHMW-PE wear strips. The XPG chain is rated for 607 lb, adequate for the 50-lb maximum tote weight handled at Motion’s facilities.
The conveyor systems use six Browning 575V premium efficiency gear motors, with the gearboxes assembled on site. End caps on the motors and bearings protect the rotating shafts. The conveyor requires no compressed air in its accumulation zones, and reduces maintenance with elimination of belt-driven rollers.
Motion Industries
Emerson Industrial Automation
Filed Under: Conveyors, Green engineering • renewable energy • sustainability, LINEAR MOTION, Motion control • motor controls
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