A new mold core and cavity repair service that refurbishes damaged parts at a cost which is typically 70% less expensive than purchasing a new part is being introduced by Ezell Precision Tool Company of Clearwater, Florida.
Ezell‚’s Mold Core and Cavity Repair Service is performed by this producer of mold cores, sleeves, cavities, and other die and mold-ready components featuring tolerances to 0.000050‚â€. Capable of restoring damaged parts to print dimensions, the turnaround for repairs is usually two to four weeks, at a cost which is typically 70% less expensive than purchasing a new part.
Depending upon evaluation of the broken part, Ezell employs micro-, laser-, or TIG-welding, followed by regrinding and EDM to restore the part‚’s dimen-sions and surface finishes. They can interchange steels to achieve greater hardness and wear characteristics, to help prevent future wear problems where appropriate. Cores, cavities, and other tooling can be repaired.
Ezell‚’s Mold Core and Cavity Repair Service is priced according to part complexity, degree of damage, process and materials. The Company offers a free evaluation of broken parts.
::Design World::
Filed Under: Machine tools + subtractive manufacturing
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