MEGA Electronics announced the launch of its latest product, the space-saving C-13 multi-tier outlets. Made from nylon LSZH, these outlets feature a locking mechanism designed to maintain uptime and protect against accidental disconnections.
This outlet is an ideal solution for data centers. Each outlet comes with an independent-release locking mechanism and an easy-to-access button to operate the mechanism. The outlets come in two versions – four tiers and six tiers, and take up less space than four or six individual IEC locks would use.
The Multi-Tier IEC LOCK complements our existing range of outlets with additional features such as:
- Space saving (12mm for the 4 tier and 21 mm for the 6 tier)
- Reduced installation time
- The body is Nylon LSZH (Low Smoke Zero Halogen)
- Independent release locking mechanism
- 10A rating for Europe and 15A rating UL for the USA
The launch of the C13 outlets follows MEGA’s recent introduction of the IEC C13 Lock.
MEGA Electronics
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