Bosch Rexroth’s IndraControl V transfers the current status of the semi-conductor and display technologies to a completely new portfolio of operating and visualizing devices. The human-machine-interfaces offer more room for more information with improved readability. The displays with robust, anti-reflecting glass surfaces are arranged on the rough surrounding conditions of production and retain their excellent optical properties even after several years of operation. The simple and fast project planning occurs in all variations with a uniform software tool.
An aluminum front encloses scratch-proof, thermally hardened glass displays. The HMIs fulfill protection category IP65. They are designed with a high shock and vibration resistance for use under rough production conditions. The anti-reflecting, projective-capacitive touch displays support single as well as multi-touch operation. With this, machine manufacturers can also apply the gesture control known from smart devices to their operation concepts.
The software tool WinStudio ensures the efficient engineering of the user interface. Software modules that have been written once can be used again for all operating and visualizing operations, not depending on their size and the operating systems. The selection comprises 7 in. compact operating terminals with their own controller and large displays up to 21 in. diagonals in different housing variations: operating displays for control panels, panel PC as HMI unit or system platform for the control panel installation, as well as complete, fully enclosed operating terminals for the direct mounting arm installation in protection category IP65.
Bosch Rexroth
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