Minneapolis, MN‚—Banner Engineering Corp. introduces its new, highly product-focused website, recently launched worldwide. The site showcases Banner‚’s extensive offerings, including sensors, machine safety products, vision equipment, wireless devices and indicator lights. Users can simply choose a product category or browse by industry or application to find specified information about the products that will best suit their factory and process automation requirements. Additionally, a flash animation on the homepage showcases Banner‚’s latest products, and up-to-date 3D models for Banner products are available in numerous file formats for easy access and reference.
Banner‚’s new website also features an updated ‚“About Banner‚†section with information on the company‚’s 40 years of experience in designing, manufacturing and distributing sensors and associated products worldwide. In addition, customers can find information on and order items from Banner‚’s broad selection of high-quality products, including more than 22,000 SKUs with a wide range of modification options available. Plus, Banner offers various support services, including an online ‚“Support & Training‚†section. Here, customers can simply enter a product‚’s model number to receive specific information on the device, and an ‚“Online Learning‚†section offers informative tutorials on sensors, machine safety, vision products and wireless offerings.
::Design World::
Filed Under: SENSORS, ELECTRONICS • ELECTRICAL, Vision • machine vision • cameras + lenses • frame grabbers • optical filters • scanners
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