Drones and robots and battling kiddie ride-on toys, oh, my!
It’s all going down at New York’s Maker Faire, where innovators from around the world gather to show off their creations. The festivities kick off Saturday morning.
Maybe you’re into drones and other flying machines. There’s a zone set up to display all things that fly. Or perhaps you love pyrotechnics. This might be hot:
If you feel the need for speed, the Power Racing Series is sure to accelerate your heartbeat. The rules are simple. Grab a run-of-the-mill Power Wheel or other children’s ride-on toy. You can use up to $500 to pimp that ride. Add whatever you feel gives your racer an edge, and enter it into the race.
Projects using sustainable resources are also displayed, including innovations from Wildgrid. The developers there tap into bacteria, heat, motion, and sunlight, among other resources, to create electricity.
The team from Product Design and Development will be on the lookout for cool, video-worthy projects. If you’ve got one you think we’d love, contact us. We’ll see you Saturday and Sunday at the New York Maker Faire!
Filed Under: Rapid prototyping