Nokia upped the ante in its patent fight against Apple on Friday when it added the iPad 3G to its ongoing intellectual property lawsuit against the Cupertino, Calif., tech giant.
Nokia alleges that both Apple’s iPhone and iPad 3G violate five Nokia patents related to technologies for enhanced speech and data transmission.
According to the lawsuit, which was filed with a federal district court in the Western District of Wisconsin, Apple’s hallmark devices violate patents that use positioning data in applications and innovations in antenna configurations that improve performance and save space.
The fight between Nokia and Apple began in October, when Nokia filed a complaint in a Delaware federal district court alleging the iPhone infringed on 10 patents used to connect cell phones to wireless networks.
In December, Apple then filed a countersuit in the same court alleging that Nokia was violating 13 of its patents. The fight reached a new level later that month when Nokia filed a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) alleging Apple’s devices infringed on seven of its patents.
In March, a Delaware judge put Apple and Nokia’s competing lawsuits on hold until the ITC issues its decision.
Filed Under: Industry regulations + certifications