Osram Opto Semiconductors (Munich, Germany) has announced the newest member of its high-power Soleriq family of LEDs, the Soleriq S 13. The tiny LED boasts high brightness from a light-emitting surface measuring just 13.5 mm in diameter and is available in a wide range of color temperatures. It is designed for use in luminaires with high performance requirements, and replaces high-wattage halogen spotlights in applications such as hotel, restaurant, retail and luxury residential lighting. Features include:
- Uniform color and light appearance.
- Brightness of 1,500 lm.
- Light-emitting surface of 13.5 mm.
- Retrofitted in LED luminaires or lamps.
- Simple installation with no SMT soldering.
For more information, visit www.osram-os.com.
Filed Under: M2M (machine to machine)