Rockford, IL – PBC Linear has focused on eco-friendly motion solutions since the introduction of the self-lubricating Simplicity‚â„¢ linear bearing in the 1980‚’s. Now a fight against pollution and unnecessary waste has driven the development of a ‚“Green Committee‚â€, putting new recycling plans into action.
While other companies are designing products that use less grease and oil, PBC Linear has refined their self-lubricating, no oil design through the enhancement of our Frelon liner‚®. Frelon has proven to be an effective and environmentally safe product for over two decades. Uni-guide, Modular Guide, MRS Sigma‚® are all examples of new products that self-lubricate and have no need for additional oil or grease.
PBC Linear is recycling a wide range of waste products; such as paper, cardboard, steel and aluminum scrap metal, and wood. In addition, PBC Linear has always integrated safe and non-toxic ways of cleaning and disposing of their materials; making sure that all of the necessary, responsible, steps for a safe environment‚—both in and out of the workplace are in place.
In order to continue to be part of the solution, PBC Linear has begun a more aggressive recycling program through the establishment of the ‚“Green Committee.‚†The primary goal is to investigate more solutions to fight against pollution and conserve energy in the future.
::Design World::
Filed Under: Green engineering • renewable energy • sustainability, LINEAR MOTION
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