RICHMOND, VA ‚ Weidmuller announces the introduction of a new line of printed circuit board plug connectors with an innovative wire guard feature‚– the BLZP series. This new series of 5.00mm and 5.08mm plug connectors is designed to maximize customer product quality by assuring error free wire insertion.
The BLZP wire guard feature actually prevents the user from accidentally inserting wires under the clamping mechanism‚– a condition that would result in a substandard electrical contact. By preventing this occurrence, the BLZP saves users time that would be spent diagnosing faults, as well as costly reworks.
The BLZP series also offers users a range of features designed to save on installation time and reduce costs. It incorporates universal clamping screws that are compatible with either standard flat or Philips screwdrivers. The connectors are available with optional release levers to ensure the wires are not pulled out accidentally while unmating them, greatly reducing the risk of damage to the installation. For improved efficiency during installation, the BLZP connectors are shipped to customers with the clamping yokes already in the open position. This eliminates the added step of opening the yoke to insert the wire during installation.
This new series is available in 2 to 24 poles in standard configurations, in both black and orange. All BLZP plug connectors are RoHS compliant and have UL approval.
::Design World::
Filed Under: Connectors (electrical) • crimp technologies, ELECTRONICS • ELECTRICAL
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