Because of the generous contributions made by companies and individuals to the PTDA Foundation, PT/MC employers are further empowered in their recruitment and retention efforts. So far in 2020 and early 2021, PT WORK Force has helped employers:
You compete with every other employer out there. Download Eric Chester’s webinar, Winning the Labor War: Finding and Keeping Good People in Uncertain Times, for proven strategies to be the employer of choice.
Remote work is here to stay. Melva Holt explains how your company can thrive in this environment. Download her informative webinar, Maximizing Your Remote Work Environment.
Diversity and inclusion deserve to be more than just buzz words used by executives. PT WORK Force is hosting Michael Bach, founder, and CEO of the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion, during the virtual PTDA Canadian Conference to examine the business implications for expanding your workforce through diversity and inclusion.
Wonder what students are looking for in an employer? We asked four students from Georgia Tech University about their expectations. Download the summary from the October 2020 Building Your Workforce student panel session at the PTDA Industry Summit 2020 for their insights.
Does your compensation and benefits package meet the needs of today’s employees — especially post-pandemic? The PT/MC Compensation and Benefit Ideas for 2021 and Beyond Resource will reveal what employees are looking for in a contemporary benefit package.
The future of the PT/MC industry depends on passionate, dedicated young leaders to drive us forward, Know someone like that in your company? The newly established Robert K. Callahan Future Leaders Award is accepting nominations through June 11 for the inaugural recipient.
Getting people to understand the value of your work is half the battle in attracting new talent. PT WORK Force supports Manufacturing Day as just one way for you to get exposure for your company within your community.
Our work in supporting your company also continues through this pandemic. Here are a few of the resources currently in development, made possible through your support:
Job descriptions in Finance, Human Resources, Purchasing, Marketing, and IT are being updated to include remote working needs, which call for different skills.
Onboarding new employees is paramount to their success. Now we are expected to handle this important event virtually, which is very different than we have done in the past. The soon-to-be-published PT WORK Force resource, Onboarding New Employees Virtually, will give you a year-long look at getting new employees oriented to your company and its culture.
Emotional intelligence needs to be present in successful employees. Join us for a webinar on Emotional Quotient and Skills Assessments.
Remote working can foster feelings of isolation, increasing stress and anxiety. Plan on participating in the upcoming Stress in the Workplace for guidance on helping employees cope.
Why is it so hard to hire right-fit people? Find out from John Salvadore who has spent many years recruiting in industrial distribution. Human resource practitioners from PTDA members will join John in a panel discussion at the 2021 Industry Summit.
Attending career events in your area is extremely important in building your talent pipeline. Now many of these events are being conducted (and some will remain) virtually. The upcoming Resource on Participating in Virtual Career Events will help you maneuver in this new environment.
Always available online and at your fingertips is practical content and resources.
- Discover tips, trends and techniques on recruitment and retention through “What’s Trending in Recruitment and Retention” – now in your email inbox monthly
- Find new ways to solve a few of the many human resource challenges they face with the recently launched PT WORK Force blog, dedicated to actionable ideas. Here’s a few of our most-viewed blog posts:
Giving Feedback in a Virtual Environment
Determining Remote Work Pay Scale
Salespeople and the Pandemic
Filed Under: Coupling Tips