Sixteen mm Brushless Motors weigh 33 g and give 50 W of power to 60,000 rpm, with 39 dB operation.
“With an average 3 dBA reduced noise level and 10% lower inertia, these 16 mm brushless motors represent the lightest weight, quietest and most energy efficient motors ever available from Portescap. They will maximize patient comfort, and are truly an ideal motion control solution for compact respiratory support equipment,” says Dave Beckstoffer, Portescap Product Manager.
Portescap a Danaher Motion company
110 Westtown Road
West Chester, PA 19382
Tel: 1-610-235-5499
Fax: 1-610-696-4294
E-mail: [email protected]
About Portescap
Portescap offers brush DC, brushless DC, stepper can stack, geared, digital linear actuators, disc magnet and hybrid technology.
:: Design World ::
Filed Under: Medical-device manufacture, Motion control • motor controls, Motors • servo
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