In a perfect world flexible couplings never fail. Take for example the SERVOMAX line of precision couplings from R+W. Designed to handle 10,000,000 cycles at their rated torque, these couplings are intended to last for a theoretical infinite life, or at least as long as the machine will be in operation. The resilient polyurethane insert damps vibration and absorbs slight shaft misalignment in the lateral, axial and angular directions while transmitting torque free of backlash.
In an imperfect world over-torques, excessive misalignment and unintended chemical exposure to name a few, could potentially cause the insert to fail. While positive drive connection would be temporarily ensured by the interlinked metallic jaws, the insert would have to be replaced rather immediately. In cases where failure is a possibility and ease of maintenance critical, the EKH series allows for easy installation and removal, eliminating the need to disturb motors, gearboxes, etc.
Available with English, metric, keyed and smooth bores, the EKH can handle torque ranges from 15 in-lbs. up to more than 19,000 in-lbs. Three different insert hardness levels allow for a choice between torsion resistance and flexibility levels required for each application.
R+W America
::Design World::
Filed Under: Couplings, Motion control • motor controls
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