Sharon Tube, a division of JMC Steel Group, announced that a ribbon-cutting event will celebrate the April 1, 2013 relaunch of the Sharon Tube brand. On June 11, 2013, Sharon Tube will welcome employees and their families, customers, local dignitaries and the media to gather at the precision tube facility to commemorate Sharon Tube’s history and celebrate its new state-of-the art manufacturing process.
Media Day festivities begin at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, June 11, with the ribbon-cutting ceremony and a welcome speech given by JMC Steel Group’s CEO, Barry Zekelman. Mercer County Commissioner Brian Beader, an advocate for domestic manufacturing, will then deliver the keynote speech. Sharon Tube President Bill Perrine will offer closing remarks, speaking to Sharon Tube’s relaunch and bright future as a world-class DOM manufacturing facility.
Following the keynote speeches, guests will be given guided tours of the plant to see the recent expansion of the DOM manufacturing facility firsthand. A picnic lunch will be provided following the tours.
Sharon Tube
JMC Steel Group
Filed Under: Tubing components
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