The Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), the two nonprofits that have presented the Solar Power Conference and Expo since 2004, announced that effective immediately, the event will be renamed Solar Power International. The new name and logo reflect soaring international participation and underscore the global scope of both the conference agenda and the expo floor. Solar Power International, taking place October 13-16, 2008, at the San Diego Convention Center, is the largest solar event in the Americas and the premiere destination for global solar companies conducting business in the United States.
The event now known as Solar Power International has grown an unprecedented 40 percent every year since its inception five years ago. This year the organizers expect more than 15,000 attendees, including solar industry professionals, utility executives, investors, engineers and policymakers, with an international contingent of more than 1,500 hailing from at least 70 countries. In 2004 the expo floor had only four exhibitors from outside the U.S. This year the expo features 110 companies based outside the U.S., approximately 25 percent of the total 425 exhibitors.
A highlight of the Solar Power International agenda is the annual CEO Panel, which brings together industry leaders from the United States, Spain and Germany to discuss worldwide market development and reducing technology costs. The conference will also feature opening and closing keynote sessions and more than 60 breakout sessions. The 174,000-square-foot expo floor features 425 exhibitors from every corner of the solar industry. Together the conference program and expo floor encompass the complete range of solar energy technologies, including photovoltaics, concentrating photovoltaics, concentrating solar power, solar hot water and space heating and cooling.
Although almost exclusively a business-to-business event, Solar Power International will continue to expand its focus on consumers through a partnership with the nonprofit California Center for Sustainable Energy (CCSE). Solar Power International coincides with San Diego‚’s annual Solar Energy Week, creating a comprehensive, week-long schedule addressing both professional and consumer solar interests. Activities for the public will include Family Solar Day on October 12, a public opening of the Solar Power International expo floor on the evening of October 15 and the Tour of Solar Homes on October 18. San Diego Gas & Electric, the Utility Host Sponsor for Solar Power International, will also be promoting Solar Energy Week activities to both its commercial and residential customers.
::Design World::
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