AMETEK Programmable Power has introduced the Sorensen XG 1500 Series, a 1500 W programmable DC power supply designed for ATE, OEM, burn-in, and R&D applications.
The Sorensen XG 1500, a product line extension to the highly successful XG 850 and X1700, has many features designed to make integration easier and save money:
*Wide variety of control options
*Front panel controls
*Programmable analog interface
*Output sequencing
*Output flexibility
*DUT protection
*Auxiliary DC outputs
*Green features
Wide Variety of Control Options
The XG Series is available with standard USB, RS-232/RS-485 interfaces. It is also available with optional LXI Ethernet, GPIB IEEE 488.2 and isolated analog interfaces. Another feature of the XG family not found with other power supplies is called internal sequencing.
Output Flexibility Reduces Integration Time
The XG 1500 allows users to configure its outputs in many different ways in order to ease integration. Not only do the supplies equally share the load, but provide faster transient response and more accurate load regulation due to the XG control technology.
For outputs higher than 600 V, users can connect two units in series.
Another output feature that eases integration is the user definable foldback shutdown mode control. When enabled, the power supply will turn off/disable the output and lock in foldback mode after a specified delay if the power supply transitions into CV (Constant Voltage) mode or into CC (Constant Current) mode, depending on the foldback mode settings.
Auxiliary Outputs Power Relays, Accessories
The XG Series eliminates the need for additional supplies, along with complicated computer-controlled relay boards, by providing two standard auxiliary DC output channels-one 5 V, 0.4 A output and one 15 V, 0.4 A output. Users can control these outputs directly from the front-panel or via SCPI commands.
“Green” Features Reduce Power Consumption, Lower Noise
When the XG has been idle for some time, the supply will go into “sleep mode,” much like a computer monitor. In this mode, the supply consumes less power, but since it is still “on,” the outputs come on more quickly than if the supply had been turned off.
Another Green feature is the speed control. the XG 1500’s fan speed is proportional to the supply’s internal temperature. This control scheme reduces fan noise and increases fan life.
AMETEK Programmable Power
::Design World::
Filed Under: Power supplies, ELECTRONICS • ELECTRICAL
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