Bird Precision has created the easiest of all orifice inserts to install — the barbed orifice inserts. Barbed orifice inserts are the easy to install and are widely used in plastics as well as other flexible materials. Their receiving components are less expensive and easier to manufacture because a precision hole is not needed. The […]
Ruby and Sapphire Orifices from Bird Precision
Bird Precision offers a unique series of laser drilled, wire lapped Ruby and Sapphire orifices. This unique wire lapping method insures that our orifices are round and highly polished. This method also removes the possibilities of burrs or loose particles in the orifices area. The orifices are lapped both faces to impart a vey sharp…
Replacing Needle Valves
Needle valves can be a blessing for design engineers, because you can easily dial in a required flow. But they can also be a malediction because those settings can be changed in the field by the customer, which can throw off the calibration of the device. Many engineers therefore opt for a fixed flow valve…