Hamilton Caster & Mfg. Co. announced that it has named Mark Lippert as its new president. Hamilton Caster, a 116-year-old manufacturer of heavy-duty industrial casters, wheels, carts, and in-plant trailers is in its fourth generation of family leadership. Mark succeeds his cousin, David R. Lippert, who retired in December. “As we look to the future,…
New wheels for ergonomic & AGV applications
In their tireless quest to provide customers with the exact product they need when they need it, Hamilton introduces their newest UltraGlide wheel series. It’s Hamilton’s latest modular solution designed to reduce the amount of energy needed to move loads in manual or powered applications. Designed for ergonomic and AGV applications, the new UltraGlide still…
Hamilton expands stainless-steel offering with new 3200-lb caster series
Hamilton Caster has expanded their stainless-steel caster offering with an all-new series rated up to 3200 lb per caster. With this introduction, the new Champion Stainless Series represents one of the highest-quality stainless-steel caster series available. The new series is designed for extra heavy loads where corrosive environments or sanitary considerations demand having all fork…
Casters intended for 24/7 continuous duty/mission critical apps
With a maximum load rating of 1,000 lb/caster, the new Endurance Series features the highest rated industrial casters with the same critical dimensions as the industry’s highest volume product class. Endurance is also the first and only industrial caster series designed with forged kingpinless construction and heat-treated raceways in such a small form factor. The…
HamiltonCaster updates its website with data-driven product selection
Hamilton Caster has released an all-new website, HamiltonCaster.com, featuring more in-depth data on the company’s casters and wheels and how they are rated. It takes the guesswork out of caster and wheel selection with the deployment of a new vast library of ergonomic data and other performance metrics for faster and better-informed decisions. Safety managers…
Hamilton introduces new shock absorbing casters
Hamilton Caster is introducing a new line of shock absorbing casters designed to meet the needs of the growing aerospace industry. These spring-loaded casters feature Hamilton’s newest Spinfinity maintenance-free swivel construction and a unibody spring housing providing up to 200% greater spring travel and a wider operating capacity range compared to Hamilton’s existing line. The…
Hamilton Caster Designs New Inline Caster for Aerospace Supplier
What began as a simple inquiry for a wheel spawned into a new Hamilton innovation. The end result was a custom engineered all stainless inline caster for a major aerospace part supplier. The aerospace company ordered two of these special casters designed for a clean room environment and each with an impressive carrying capacity of…
Hamilton Caster Launches New Website
Hamilton Caster announces the launch of cartsandtrailers.com. This all-new website is dedicated to Hamilton’s entire line of stock and custom-engineered carts and trailers. The new site includes extensive product information and specifications to help customers learn about Hamilton’s complete line of products for the material handling industry. You’ll also find a custom gallery with fresh…
Custom All Stainless Steel Caster Rolls in Line
What began as a simple wheel order spawned into a new Hamilton innovation when our engineering manager, Jeff Spektor, realized a fresh design could save a major aerospace supplier big bucks – and headaches. When he saw what the customer needed, he knew a standard wheel wouldn’t work. So they came up with a unique…