On Friday, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association and the American Cable Association filed a joint petition for rehearing en banc with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit regarding the 2015 FCC order to reclassify broadband internet access service as a common carrier service under Title II of the Communications Act.
“We don’t celebrate this petition, but we believe this action is necessary to correct unlawful action by the FCC,” NCTA reports in a blog. “We aren’t challenging the specific net neutrality protections – as we’ve explained repeatedly, we have long supported the net neutrality principles embodied in the FCC’s 2010 order that could be enforceable under the Commission’s traditional light touch approach to internet regulation.”
NCTA says the 2015 order “abruptly and unreasonably abandoned that long-established precedent, reverting to an outdated regulatory framework.” It further states that as regulators have determined for years, dynamic Internet networks “do not resemble or deserve to be treated like archaic telephone systems.”
The association sees the FCC order as a huge departure from the FCC’s previous tenure of overseeing broadband internet networks, and states that’s why it is seeking rehearing of the issues.
Filed Under: Industry regulations + certifications