Amberg ‚– The Formula Student is an international engineering competition that was founded in the US in 1981 and is now held in seven different countries each year. The main organizer is the world‚’s largest engineer‚’s society, the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers).
The Formula Student is based on the idea that a company orders the construction of a race car prototype for amateur race car drivers. The vehicle has to fulfill certain requirements, which means that the competition is conceived in such a way that all aspects are evaluated, from the design to the cost control and from the marketing to the practical usability.
During the annual competitions in the US, Germany, England, Italy Australia, Brazil and Japan, the race cars go up against a large international group of participants.
For a long time there were no specific Formula Student tires that matched the small race cars. The tires that were used were therefore often unsuitable and very expensive on top, since they had to be imported from overseas.
Michelin responded to this challenge several years ago and developed tires with a mixture that specifically matched the race cars. This prompted Dr. Astrid Kurth, who is in charge of the Michelin college marketing in Karlsruhe, to create a competition for all German Formula Student teams.
This year a graphic illustration of the Michelin Bibendum as a team member was requested. After the final round at the German corporate headquarters in Karlsruhe, the winner was clear: just as in the year before, the first place was awarded to the Running Snail Team of the Amberg-Weiden College, which made an impression with its successful photo montage that showed the Michelin man next to the Running Snail race car.
TraceParts GmbH would like to express its warmest congratulations and hopes that the Running Snail Racing Team makes another successful start into the racing season 2008.
It is also worth mentioning that Michelin has been a very loyal customer of TraceParts since 1995. Three successful partners have therefore come together here.
::Design World::
Filed Under: Software • 3D CAD, Automotive, Student programs • Technical education
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