Universal Air Filter has reduced 3D CAD air filter model delivery time to a matter of minutes with its Web-accessible drawings for designers, resulting in expedited design and production times.
Previously, engineers had to recreate 3D air filter models from scratch, but with UAF’s Web-enabled capabilities, engineers can configure custom air filters and visualize them from all angles before downloading models into their final designs. This process also creates an extremely accurate fit and tolerance stack-up evaluation for the air filters.
UAF has partnered with 3D ContentCentral, a cooperative relationship between the 3DpartStream group of the SolidWorks Corp., and leading industrial suppliers to bring engineers the Web-enabled capabilities. 3D ContentCentral is a free resource that gives design engineers the ability to locate 3D components for use in their designs. Design engineers can access the 3D models through UAF’s Web site, www.uaf.com, or SolidWorks’ 3D ContentCentral Web site at www.3dcontentcentral.net. By answering a few specification questions, the design engineer can generate a customized SolidWorks 3D air filter. 2D drawings also are available for download to support procurement and documentation. In addition, UAF provides assistance with unique shapes and accessory options to ease installation and removal.
A design engineer looking to evaluate a UAF air filter can access UAF’s complimentary, round-the-clock prototype service available worldwide via www.uaf.com. The prototype service provides design engineers with assistance in meeting critical design, testing and evaluation deadlines for air filter media. To receive a prototype, the engineer can submit a request on the Internet or via telephone, fax or e-mail. Once the prototype is submitted, it is produced and shipped within five working days. For more information, visit www.uaf.com.
Filed Under: Software • 3D CAD, Filters (mechanical) for air + fans
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