The new 750-330 BACnet coupler is the latest addition to the line of building automation controllers and remote I/O. The Building Automation and Control Network enabled coupler facilitates the communication between building automation devices and control systems applications. The BACnet/IP Coupler is equipped according to BACnet revision 12 and can manage up to 256 BACnet objects. It also supports BACnet functions for scheduling of data points, trending and alarming.
Using the WAGO BACnet configurator software, set up and commissioning is easy—no programming required. This economical device further reduces costs due to its flexibility to add additional I/O instead of purchasing another brick I/O device. An onboard SD card slot allows users to easily backup/restore or duplicate device settings, or it can be used to store trend data. Use it in applications like heating, ventilating, air conditioning, lighting, access control and fire detection systems. For more on the latest from WAGO, visit
Filed Under: Couplings, Controls (board level)
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