Up to 28.5 inch jaw opening and 12,000 lbs. of clamping force makes Kurt’s XL 8-inch vises ideal for the largest tool & die, Molds and machining extra large parts in automotive, aerospace and oil drilling industries. Kurt XL vises also function well as a receiver for other workholding setups.
Kurt XL vises feature the time-proven Anglock design, an exclusive pull-type jaw clamping design feature that reduces stationary jaw deflection by at least 80 percent. Kurt’s Anglock design prevents parts from lifting upward under heavy clamping loads. A hardened spherical segment mechanism produces “all directional” alignment of the jaw components and vise body so clamped parts remain stationary for accurate machining operations at all times.
Equally important, these Kurt XL vises have durable 80,000 PSI ductile iron bodies with precision machined steel components. Required by machinists who want the most robust workholding, the heavy ductile iron bodies provide extra part holding rigidity and long-term accuracy while absorbing machining vibration.
All sides of these Kurt XL vises are machined accurate to 0.001 inch for precise and easy alignment in multiples. They can be used as receivers for other workholding devices. Also, two of these XL vises can be mounted back-to-back and used vertically in a tombstone machine setup.
Kurt XL vises are available in 6 inch and 8 inch jaw widths in manual, hydraulic and pneumatic operation. A reverse model is also available that minimizes “reach-over” distance for unusually large parts making part loading easier for the operator. Also, part programming is easier with this model in the “Y” axis positive direction.
Filed Under: Clamps • locks • latches
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