Bethlehem, PA – With its integrated user interface, the diagnostic and maintenance function of Rexroth’s BODAS-service provides access to all parameters and process variables to the user in a clear manner for easy editing. Any errors detected in the electronic system by the controller are communicated by the BODAS-service diagnostic function in plain text so technicians can easily recognize malfunctions. The software can be used to graphically display process variables, both instantaneously and as a function of time. The software also permits the recording of data with a data logger.
Work with the diagnostic function is further simplified by the “System Scan.” This feature queries all controllers connected to the diagnostic computer via CAN bus and RS232, clearly displays them on the screen and provides a better overview. As a result, multiple controllers can be detected and diagnosed simultaneously without having to plug them in one after the other, saving time and offering more flexibility in mobile use.
When using the software with Rexroth controllers beginning with series 22, the software also displays extensive version information. In addition emergency access is also possible; Rexroth-service can enable full access to all process variables and parameters for a one-time connection. The diagnostic module information requires no programming knowledge.
Another function available in BODAS-service is the configurator. When creating software for Rexroth controllers — either with BODAS-design or the C programming language — the configurator is used to create the setup and diagnostic configuration. This defines which parameters, process variables and error messages are displayed and can be changed later with the BODAS-service diagnostic function, along with the ability to provide authorization or lock-out levels for viewing, engineering or service.
Software can be loaded or updated on a BODAS controller using the flash function integrated in BODAS-service. Inclusion of this flash tool is one of the primary new features, increasing the ease of use and working speed for the user.
Communication based on international standards
The BODAS-service diagnostic function is based on the RS232 standard and the standard CAN diagnostics architecture defined by the ASAM (Association for Standardization of Automation- and Measuring Systems). Thus, the software is compatible with all BODAS controllers from Rexroth. Depending on the device generation, configuration is performed via an RS232 or CAN interface.
Data exchange is based on ODX in accordance with ASAM. This formal descriptive standard defines the protocol formats for exchanging data for vehicle or controller diagnostics. For communication, the software uses UDS and KWP 2000. These are two well-tested and internationally standardized communication protocols used in automotive electronics (Unified Diagnostic Services and Key Word Protocol).
A free demo version ( and select “BODAS Tools”) highlights the software features and allows users to diagnose the utilized Rexroth controllers and view process variables. In addition, the demo version can be used to create a diagnostic configuration for a BODAS application software program.
BODAS-service replaces the earlier BODEM, and is based on the international communication standards for RS232 and CAN interfaces (UDS and KWP2000). This ensures compatibility with current and future controller generations.
::Design World::
Filed Under: Data acquisition + DAQ modules, ENGINEERING SOFTWARE, TEST & MEASUREMENT
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