CONCORD, Mass.‚— Building on a string of industry accolades for the company and its products, SolidWorks Corporation has been named by START-IT magazine as one of the publication‚’s 2008 Hottest Companies.
The Hottest Companies Awards honor software and technology providers whose innovative applications or products have benefited the manufacturing industry. Judges evaluated companies based on a variety of criteria, including revenue growth, important customer wins, and significant events and accomplishments during the past year.
The industry has also recently recognized SolidWorks customers for their achievements. Fresno Valves & Castings Inc., E.J. Ajax and Sons Inc., Kimberley Kampers Pty Ltd, and Livingston & Haven were recently named to Managing Automation magazine‚’s Progressive Manufacturing 50. All four named SolidWorks software as a key technology enabling their success.
::Design World::
Filed Under: Software • 3D CAD, ENGINEERING SOFTWARE
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