Brecksville, Ohio — Comsol Corp. presented a seminar Dec. 6 on use of Multiphysics software for FEA-like analysis of engineering models. This was one of a series of local seminars offered by this supplier.
Comsol's Applications VP Bjorn Sjodin led the discussion, giving an overview of modeling and the concepts of Multiphysics in the 2-way coupling of heat transport and conduction currents. The model was inspired by simulations within the area of MEMS and electronics, but the concepts apply to all types of Comsol Multiphysics models, whether from chemical engineering, structural mechanics, electromagnetics, or any other field.
Following the discussion, attendees had the opportunity for a 90-minute hands-on session with computer and software. Each attendee received the latest version of Multiphysics software with a 14-day trial license. The useful and informative seminar was so well attended that latecomers had to scramble to get access to a computer. If you plan on attending, it's a good idea to get there early.
.: Design World :.
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