(Cincinnati, OH) – The Industrial Automation Group of Advantech introduces the TPC-662G AMD LX800 Touch Panel Computer with 6.4” VGA TFT LCD display, resistive touch screen, non-volatile solid-state storage, and fanless operation. The TPC-662G is designed for small sized operator interface applications, providing a reliable platform for industrial environments.
Features include: 8-bit PC/104 expansion slot, one CompactFlash slot, RS-485 with automatic flow control, CAN-bus 2.0B protocol capability, and supports Windows XP/CE and WinXPe.
The TPC-662G is super slim with a compact design and plastic housing. It has a NEMA4/IP65 compliant front panel and is available for purchase from Advantech.
: Design World :
Filed Under: Displays • HMIs • operator interfaces • monitors
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