Point-of-load (POL) dc-dc converters now include the iAD Series of 16-Amp non-isolated, single inline package (SIP) thru-hole mounted devices. With DOSA compatible pin-out, these converters address a range of applications including telecom, computer, datacom, medical, and industrial equipment. Length is 2.0 in., height is 0.55 in., and width is 0.31 in.
Input range is from 6 to 14 V, enabling these units to handle diverse load ranges including distributed power and non-regulated 4:1 and 5:1 bus converter systems. Output adjustment range is from 0.8 to 5.5 V, maximum output current is 16 A, and its ability to start into a pre-biased load make it useful in ASIC, FPGA, and other applications where multiple voltages may be required. It has a high power conversion efficiency of up to 94%.
Lambda Americas
:: Design World ::
Filed Under: Converters (electrical) AD + DA • transformers, ELECTRONICS • ELECTRICAL
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