Santa Ana, CA — The latest speed regulator from the Deschner line of products– the SKIPCHEK‚® model Kinechek ‚– is being offered by Deschner Corporation, headquartered in Santa Ana, California.
According to Frank Solis, President, the Skipchek was developed to meet customer
requests that their popular Kinechek‚® speed regulators be configured for tube or clevis drilling to deliver a controlled feed, followed by a fast ‚“skip‚†then returning to a controlled feed. The skip distance is non adjustable and is engineered to meet each customers application and can be configured to drill through more than two walls. ‚“Customers involved in high volume tube drilling are amazed at the amount of time they save using the Skipchek‚†Says Mr. Solis.
The use of the Skipchek also eliminates the need to use two drill motors drilling on opposite sides of the tube, thereby producing perfectly aligned holes faster, and with less maintenance. Leak proof and fully adjustable, Skipchek model Kinecheks are available in ‚½ inch,1 inch, 2 inch,3 inch,4 inch and 6 inch stroke lengths with a maximum capacity of 1200 lbs. Skipcheks are part of an extensive line of Kinechek model speed regulators and offer the same patented, leak proof performance as the original SLIMLINE Kinecheks.
::Design World::
Filed Under: Hydraulic equipment + components, FLUID POWER
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