Delta Tau has launched its new Power PMAC NC motion controller aimed at improving machining speed, accuracy and surface finish by using advanced servo and kinematic algorithms. With a state-of-the-art CPU and a huge 2GB program buffer, this next-generation Power PMAC controller has greatly improved computational power and generates trajectories which run 25 percent faster…
Power PMAC IDE Version 1.6 Release
PowerPMAC IDE version 1.6.x.xx requires uninstallation of the previous versions of this software. If the installer’s built-in uninstall for the previous version of the IDE fails, please use…
Motion Controllers for Complex Electronics
The National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) being built by Brookhaven National Lab (BNL) is a $912-million electron accelerator project scheduled to open June 2015. Research from NSLS-II will focus on developing the world’s next generation of sustainable energy technologies based on materials that have not been designed or fabricated yet. Researchers will be able…
Control Lets Scientists See the Sun with New Eyes
The Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) project is expected to provide the sharpest views ever taken of the solar surface. Scientists expect toA learn how cosmic magnetic fields are generated and destroyed, as well as the mechanisms responsible for solar variability that eventually affects the Earth. The Telescope’s optic support structure, which includes the mirror…
Next Generation Motion Controller
The Power PMAC Motion and Machine Controller has a full-featured real-time operating system. With the controller operating as a hub to an overall system, you are able to interface with almost any remote device through the control’s open hardware and software architecture. Features include an 800 MHz or 1 GHz RISC processor with hardware floating-point…
Delta Tau Power PMAC
Senior motion control editor, Miles Budimir, interviews Curt Wilson of Delta Tau about their new Power PMAC motion controllers.