2020 has been a weird year for the design engineering industry — no, wait, hold that — it’s been a weird year for pretty much every industry there is. The Covid-19 pandemic has run roughshod over project timelines, sales targets, the supply chain, and any number of workforce issues. But we’ve also seen gleams of hope in companies working together to solve pandemic-related problems or donating to those in need.
[For more on our Covid-19-specific coverage from throughout the year, click here.]
Here’s a quick look at some of the stories that were most read on Design World in this wild year — click on the headline to see the original post.
CDC weighs DIY facemasks for the general public. Here’s the science behind mask materials.
Executive Editor Lee Teschler’s insightful look into materials and filtration efficiency tests proved a popular story that was read more than 67,000 times, easily becoming the most read feature of the year.
Emerson ramps up face mask production with Branson ultrasonic bonding
Senior Editor Mary Gannon’s piece on Emerson’s response to the pandemic was the most viewed story on an individual company’s Covid-related actions.
DIY ventilators? Not unless there’s a zombie apocalypse.
This look at open-source ventilators, back when the shortage or respiratory ventilators was the big news, was one of the year’s most popular on the don’t-do-it-yourself front.
3D printed door handle developed in effort to reduce spread of coronavirus
Senior Editor Leslie Langnau covered this innovative way in which one of her beats — 3D printing — could make a real difference in battling the coronavirus pandemic.
Harting Americas announces launch of breakthrough Single Pair Ethernet technology
Readers flocked to this release about the Elgin, Ill.-based electrical connectors company, which has been driving the creation of a Single Pair Ethernet standard since 2015 — showing that even in difficult times, engineers still need basic answers and solution to their technology hurdles.