Despite being around for a number of years, 3D printing is just recently beginning to have a transformative influence over how goods are manufactured. While there are still hurdles to overcome before perfecting this method, 3D printing is slowly working its way toward becoming ubiquitous in manufacturing across several different industries. As more companies and fields of work begin utilizing this way of printing parts, goods, and products, several different trends surrounding 3D printing are emerging.
The infographic below contains the results of more than 300 professionals surveyed, who are responsible for 3D printing at manufacturing companies. The findings have provided insight on factors ranging from the specific jobs and types of products where the 3D printing process is primarily used, the main materials involved (like plastics, composites, metal, etc.), some of the top benefits and challenges, along with the industries where 3D printing is being utilized most.
Filed Under: 3D printing • additive • stereolithography, M2M (machine to machine)