Statek Corporation announced the release of its ultra-miniature, low-profile CX18 crystal. With overall dimensions of 1.55 mm x 0.95 mm x 0.35 mm, and a typical weight of 1.8 mg, Statek’s CX18 is asserted to be the smallest and lightest surface-mount crystal in the world. The CX18 has a target frequency range of 30 MHz and higher. Samples of the 50 MHz version of this ultra-miniature crystal are available with glass-lid, and in tight calibration tolerances in the range of 5 ppm. The CX18 crystal is suitable for any application in which board space or the height of the crystal is at a premium. Examples of potential applications include medical, military, industrial, and smart card applications.
Statek Corporation
Filed Under: Aerospace + defense, Industrial automation