The U.S. Air Force has placed the first Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellite into operation over the Pacific region. WGS is the first operational SATCOM system supporting the government‚’s transformational communications architecture. Each satellite has the capacity to transmit information at rates of over 3 GB/s – more than 10 times the capacity of the government‚’s Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS). During operational testing last month, the government successfully transmitted a record-breaking 440 Mbit/s communications test signal through the satellite.
‚“WGS-1 is the highest capacity Department of Defense communications satellite on orbit,‚†said Craig Cooning, vice president and general manager, Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems. WGS is also the world‚’s first satellite to incorporate multi-beam X-band communications through phased array antennas, and the first satellite capable of cross-banding signals between X-band and Ka-band.
The operational testing of WGS also demonstrated the satellite‚’s compatibility with a variety of ground-based terminals, validating WGS planning, management, and control concept of operations (CONOPS).
Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, The Boeing Company
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