CONCORD, Mass.‚— Kids, getting bored with summer vacation already? SolidWorks Robotics University (SRU) may be just the antidote.
A stimulating alternative to bumming around and playing video games, SRU is a free, online, independent study robotics academy for prospective, beginning, and experienced robotics enthusiasts. More than 1,400 middle school, high school, and college students pre-registered for the academy by mid-May, accepting early admission invitations online. Many are competitors in BattleBots‚®, FIRST‚®, the MATE International ROV Competition, Trinity College Fire-Fighting Home Robot Contest, RoboCup‚®, or BattleCry@WPI robotics contests.
Interested students can request an invitation to the self-paced academy by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
There are structured lessons, tutorials, event calendars, photos, videos, forums, blogs, chat, personal pages, and instruction for using SolidWorks‚® 3D CAD software for robot design. The university has donated 1,400 scholarship copies of SolidWorks 2007-2008 Student Edition software to registrants.
::Design World::
Filed Under: Student programs • Technical education
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